Hey friends! I thought you might want an update on the arboretum progress. We had a huge food harvest and were able to plant 9 of the new maples. The drone footage was awesome and really gave us a good look into your vision for the property. We loved the camera angles while using the auger. Your creativity really pulls us in. At this point, we’re so invested in what you’re doing, we’re chomping at the bit to see what the next day brings. Aaron’s arboretum is coming along! Seriously, such an impact – everything is looking amazing. Thank you for taking us all along this journey!

It’s been another busy week at the arboretum. We had a huge food harvest and were able to plant 9 of the new maples. The drone footage was awesome and really gave us a good look into your vision for the property. We loved the camera angles while using the auger. Your creativity really pulls us in. At this point, we’re so invested in what you’re doing, we’re chomping at the bit to see what the next day brings. Aaron’s arboretum is coming along! Seriously, such an impact – everything is looking amazing. Thank you for taking us all along this journey!
Thanks for joining us on this journey as we transform Aaron’s property into a thriving arboretum. It’s been a busy week, but we’ve made great progress. We can’t wait to show you more!